Sunday, September 27, 2020

Hudson's Birth Story

The birth of this sweet girl was so redemptive. Nothing unexpected, smooth and dare I say, easy. 

I woke up early, around 5:30 to go to the bathroom and realized my water had broken. I excitedly woke up Blake and we decided to tell our midwife just to give her a heads up. Our friend Hailey came and got the kids around 6:30. Our midwife and the assistant came shortly after that. My contractions were very mild but since Harrison came pretty fast, we wanted to be sure she was here and not an hour away. All morning my contractions were 5-7 minutes apart and very mild. I felt bad that everyone was here and waiting and yet there wasn't much action. Our midwife went to take a nap and Blake and the assistant, Kat, and I just chatted in the living room. 

Around 11:15 my contractions picked up a little in duration and intensity. I decided it was time to focus and we headed to the bedroom. I had on the TENS but, honestly, I didn't really need it. Contractions steadily increased in intensity through the next hour and a half. Blake was great about counting down the time and talking me through them and I found it really comfortable to stand by the bed and lean on him during contractions. at about 12:45 it was apparent that things were getting really close. I felt that 'head between my legs' sensation and said something vague about it. A few contractions later we were all on the same page and there was some kerfuffle as we tried to get me undressed, take the TENS off, and into the birth tub. As usual.. throwing up a little on the way. I made it just in the tub just in time to have maybe one more contraction but maybe just in time to push. In two pushes her head was out. I remember saying that I couldn't do it and then.. it was done. One more push and she was all the way out at 1:01 pm. 

We sat in the tub for awhile just enjoying the sweetness and waiting for the placenta, which took awhile. Finally, after I delivered the placenta and everything checked out, we got out and got to the business of weights and measures.. and embroidering her birth announcement. 

8lbs 11oz and 21.75 inches long

It was truly a beautiful birth and I'm so thankful for God's design of childbirth and how smooth it is when it works the way it should. Such a gift. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

7 Months

Seven months! This past month has been every baby’s dream.. her whole family home and no where to go. We work around her naps now, not the other way around. It’s a strange world out there but we have enjoyed every moment at home together. 

Hudson’s first teeth popped up just this week. Such cute little razors :). They make her distractibility while eating more painful but they’re also pretty cute. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

SIX Months!

Always a little bittersweet this little milestone. Half a year! It’s hard to remember our lives without this sweet girl’s smiles. 💗 

She’s weighing in at 22lbs and flying through the sizes. She’s comfortably in 12 month clothes and the occasional 12-18 month outfit too. 

Hudson sleeps great and has a pretty good routine of morning nap, afternoon nap, and then a cat nap on the couch with mommy and daddy in the evening. Our school outings throw a wrench in that routine but I  learned how to accommodate her naps on the go better.  

She’s sitting up pretty well if we give her a wide base with her legs and she’s scooting herself backwards when she’s on her tummy.. I don’t think she actually wants to do that, and usually she ends up frustrated. 

She babbles and laughs and smiles her way through the day. She’s a little clingy at dinner time, thankfully daddy swoops in and entertains her. We’ve also found that sitting her up on the couch next to the toy basket keeps her pretty entertained and she is up high enough that she can see us.